Julia 101

Julia 101

A programming language to heal the planet together. — — — Alan Edelman

My Interest peaked in Julia when I was randomly watching a
TEDx Talks.

Link For the Talk

Now , Let’s learn more about Julia & it’s Basics

Julia is a high-level programming language designed for scientific computing, data analysis, and numerical computations. It was created to address some of the limitations of existing scientific computing languages, such as slow execution times and poor parallelism. Julia is an open-source language that combines the ease of use of Python with the performance of C.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Julia and explore some of its key features.

Basic Syntax

Julia syntax is similar to that of other high-level languages such as Python and Ruby. Here’s an example of how to print “Hello, world!” in Julia:

As you can see, the syntax is simple and easy to read. The println function is used to print the text to the console.


Variables in Julia are created using the = operator. Here's an example:

This creates a variable called x with a value of 5. Julia is a dynamically-typed language, which means that you don't need to specify the type of a variable when you create it. Julia will automatically determine the type based on the value.


Functions in Julia are created using the function keyword. Here's an example of a function that adds two numbers together:

This creates a function called add_numbers that takes two arguments and returns their sum. The return keyword is used to return the value.


Arrays in Julia are created using square brackets []. Here's an example:

This creates an array called a with five elements. You can access elements of an array using square brackets:


Julia was designed with parallelism in mind. It includes built-in support for parallel processing, which allows it to take advantage of multi-core processors. Here’s an example of how to use parallelism in Julia:

This code creates four processes and uses them to parallelize the execution of the myfunction function.


Julia is a powerful language that is perfect for scientific computing, data analysis, and numerical computations. Its combination of ease of use and high performance makes it an attractive option for many developers. With built-in support for parallelism and a growing ecosystem of packages, Julia is poised to become a major player in the world of scientific computing.

Happy Reading :)